Bitcoin (BTC)
CryptoPegged AssetSmartData

NetworkEthereum Mainnet
Also on

Trigger parameters
Deviation threshold0.5%

Last update......

Data SourceBlockSec

This Proof of Reserve feed uses a third party for data reporting.

Learn more about data reporting types and making responsible data quality decisions

Oracles data

Awaiting response
Oracle responses
Minimum of ...... / ...

BlockdaemonAwaiting response

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ChainlayerAwaiting response

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FiewsAwaiting response

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GalaxyAwaiting response

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InotelAwaiting response

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LinkForestAwaiting response

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LinkPoolAwaiting response

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LinkRiverAwaiting response

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Pier TwoAwaiting response

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Simply VCAwaiting response

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Proof of Reserve feeds can vary in their configurations. Please be careful with the configuration of the feeds used by your smart contracts. Note that the Answer represents the value of the reserves as reported by the Data Source identified for the applicable Proof of Reserve feed. This figure may not represent the actual present value of available reserves due to factors including, but not limited to, the liquidity of reserves or the fluctuation of the value of such reserves between updates. You are solely responsible for reviewing the quality of the data (e.g., a Proof of Reserve feed) that you integrate into your smart contracts and assume full responsibility for any damage, injury, or any other loss caused by your use of the feeds used by your smart contracts. Learn more about making responsible data quality decisions. Learn more about making responsible data quality decisions.